“Molten Salts 2021 

We bring together leading academic scientists and researchers!

 December 1st to December 3rd, 2021
Register NOW !

Aims and Objectives

Molten Salts 2021 is a unique conference dedicated to molten salts and their applications , to be held yearly in the framework of online conferences organised by th e International Virtual Academy (INVIRTA®). INVIRTA, aims to provide access to knowledge through online conferences, workshops and education programs. Molten salts are versatile aprotic solvents with specific properties arising from their partial/total ionic character. They are stable over a wide range of temperatures and even resistant to radiations. 

Molten Salts 2021 provides a platform for discussing new materials and manufacturing process developments, understanding the complex chemistry of high-temperature molten salt electrolytes, deriving fundamental insights into physicochemical properties and high-temperature methods, and presenting highlights on new research  trends and technologies. 

The conference will run over a span of time of appr oximately 3 days consecutively. With its high standards, it provides an exceptional added value for students, a cademics and industrial researchers. In total, around 50 presentations are expected as well as e-posters. 

Call for Contributions

Authors are kindly encouraged to contribute to and to help shaping the conference through high-quality research contributions. 

Original and unpublished results of conceptual, constructive, empirical, experimental and theoretical work in all areas of molten salt scienc e and technology are welcome for presentation at the conference 

(please download the abstract form). 

Students are highly encouraged to participate as oral speaker s or to present e - posters, special slots are reserved to students for oral presentation. 

On recommendation of the scientific committee, the best contributions will be submitted to Open Source or classical journals. 

In addition, a conference proceeding (peer-reviewed) with ISSN number will be issued after the conference. 

Each session of approximately 200 minutes will be organised as follows: one plenary of 40’ and seven contributed presentations of 20’, three of which will be reserved for undergraduate and Ph.D. students .

Authors are invited to download the templates for abstract and publicaton.

Please submit your finished poster, abstract and publication HERE to the conference organisor. 

Scientific committee 

Prof. Dr. Patrick J. Masset

Prof. Dr. Marie-Louise Saboungi,
Sorbonne University Paris (France), Vice-Chair
Dr. Thomas Bauer
DLR (Germany) 

Ass. Prof. Angelos G. Kalampounias, University of Ioannina and ICE-HT/FORTH (Greece) 

Prof. Dr. Jong-Yun Kim
KAERI (South Korea) 

Prof. Dr. Torsten Markus
Applied Sciences Universi ty of Mannheim (Germany) 

Ass. Prof. Dr. Anna L. Smith
TU Delft (The Netherl ands) 

Prof. Dr. Francisco Perez-Trujillo, Complutense Uni versity of Madrid (Spain) 

Download Conference Flyer

Key Topics of the Conference

Sessions will be held from December 1st to December 3rd, 2021
- Experimental determinations:
structural investigations (EXAFS, neutron, NMR, R aman...), electrochemistry, thermal properties, electronic and ionic conductivity, wettability, solubility, corrosion under static and dynamic conditions 
Plenary lecture:
Dr. Catherine Bessada, CNRS, Orléans / France 
- Theory and modelling: 
thermodynamic modelling assessments, thermophysic al properties (surface tension, viscosity, structure, thermal conductivity ...), solvation properties, solvent transfer energy, p-O2- diagrams, F-centres 
Plenary lecture:
Dr. Angus A. Gray - Weale, BoM, Melbourne / Australia 
- Batteries / Fuels cells:
molten carbonate fuel cells, thermal batteries, m olten salt batteries, liquid metal batteries 
Plenary lecture:
Prof. Donald R. Sadoway,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston / USA 
- Nuclear energy: 
actinide/lanthanide properties, molten salt react or (MSR) technologies, materials corrosion, pyro-processes 
Plenary lecture:
Dr. Ondrej Benes, Institute for Transuranium Elements, Karlsruhe / Germany 
- Concentrated solar plant s (CSP), thermal energy storage (TES) and heat transfer fluids (HTF): 
new mixtures, phase diagrams, thermal properties, stability, meta llic corrosion, protective coatings, salt purificat ion 
- Plenary lecture:
Dr. Judith Vidal, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Denv er / USA 
- Electrochemical engineering:
electrodeposition, electrolysis (Al, Na...), electr orefining, electrowinning, powder materials, nitriding, electrochemical additive manu facturing (EAM), recycling 
Plenary lecture:
Dr. Ana Martinez, SINTEF, Trondheim / Norway  


The registration takes place online by filling out the form.

The registration and access to the virtual room for workshop is effective only if the fees payment has been confirmed.

For those who wish to share the results of their work as a presentation or an e-poster, please send an abstract using the attached template. Once the program is established, you will receive a notification for oral or e-poster presentation. Only the abstracts of registered persons will be considered. 

Early-Bird: until March 30th, 2021

Benefits for the Participants

- Complementarity of fundamental and applied research works 
- Contact with participating experts in molten salts 
- Exchange and discussion of new ideas and concepts 
- Opportunity to initiate cooperation with other part icipants 
- Downloading of all presentations and posters 
- For Ph.D. students, the opportunity to discuss with peers and networking for the future 
- Undergraduate and Ph.D. students: “relaxed” but serious atmosphere for young scientists 
- Certificates of participation for attendees and speakers 
- Best poster Award 
- Best presentation Award


Industry: 350 € (early bird**: 300 €)

Academy: 250 € (early bird**: 200 €)

Students***: 150 € (early bird**: 100 €)

* Note that prices are subject to VAT (for European countries, except Germany, provide the VAT number of your organisation to be within the VAT reverse framework payment).
** Early bird registration applicable before March 30th 2021
*** Copy of the registration certificate (Ph.D, undergraduates)


One-Time Registration Fee


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Universities / Research centres

One-time Registration Fee


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One-Time Registration Fee


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Mo-Fr 8.30AM - 2.30PM (CET)



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Mo-Fr 8.30AM - 2.30PM (CET)


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